Published on: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Formula 1 driver may be known for his exceptional racing skills, but did you know he also has a passion for music? In a surprising twist, Leclerc has ventured into the world of songwriting, and fans are loving it!

Last year, Leclerc released his debut song "AUS 23", a piano-driven track that showcases his musical talent. The song was an instant hit, with many praising Leclerc's soulful voice and impressive piano skills. Following the song's release, it quickly racked up thousands of streams on Spotify, with fans eagerly awaiting more music from the racing sensation.

Leclerc's latest song, "MIA23", is a collaborative effort with artist Loopie. The track's lyrics, penned by Leclerc himself, offer a glimpse into his personal life and emotions. The song has been well-received by fans, with many praising the unique blend of Leclerc's piano skills and Loopie's vocals.

Aside from his racing career, Leclerc has always been passionate about music. In an interview, he revealed that music is a way for him to express himself and unwind. When asked about his favorite songs, Leclerc mentioned that he enjoys listening to a wide range of genres, from classical to pop.

While music is not Leclerc's primary focus, his venture into songwriting has certainly sparked interest among fans. With his racing salary and quotes often making headlines, it's refreshing to see the Formula 1 driver showcase his creative side.

As for his girlfriend list, well, that's a topic for another time!
