RAINBOW RUN/WALK 5K - 6 a.m. Cole Park, 2600 Ocean Dr. HIDDEN DOOR KICK OFF - noon, The Hidden Door, 802 S Staples St. RAINBOW STARRY NIGHT ...
Learn the various meanings and uses of the word corpus, from the body of a dead animal to a collection of language data. See synonyms, examples, etymology, and related phrases of corpus.
COCA is a 1.1 billion word corpus of American English from 1990 to 2010. It is large, balanced, up-to-date, and freely-available online. Compare it to the BNC and ANC.
Learn the meaning of corpus as a noun in English, with examples of usage in different contexts. Find out how to say corpus in other languages, such as Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.
Explore the most widely used online corpora for various purposes, such as research, language learning, and technology. Compare genres, dialects, time periods, and more across different corpora.
Learn the meaning of corpus as a noun in English, with examples of usage in different contexts. Find out how to say corpus in other languages, such as Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese.
Corpus definition: a large or complete collection of writings. See examples of CORPUS used in a sentence.
COCA is the largest and most balanced corpus of American English, created by Mark Davies of Brigham Young University. It is freely available and used by linguists, teachers, translators, and other researchers.
The Corpus is a balanced subset of 500K words of written texts and transcribed speech drawn from various sources of American English. It is annotated for logical structure, sentence boundaries, tokenization, part of speech tags, shallow parse, named entities, Penn Treebank syntax, and other linguistic phenomena.
This site offers billions of words of downloadable data from ten large corpora of English, as well as two corpora of Spanish and Portuguese. You can use the data in any way you like, and see samples of each corpus in different formats and genres.
Learn the meaning and usage of the word corpus, a noun that refers to a collection of texts or the whole body of something. Find out how to pronounce corpus, see pictures and example sentences, and explore related words and synonyms.