Published on: Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Devastating Impact of Climate on Cumin Crops

In a devastating turn of events, more than 65% of the cumin crop in Ras al-Ain has been destroyed due to diseases and late rains. This catastrophic loss is a significant blow to the region's cumin production.

The Importance of Cumin

Cumin, also known as cumin powder or ground cumin, is a staple spice in many cuisines around the world. Not only is it a key ingredient in many recipes, but it also boasts various cumin benefits, including aiding digestion and reducing inflammation.

What Is Cumin Used For?

Cumin is used in a variety of dishes, from savory meats to flavorful soups. It's also used in traditional medicine, particularly in the form of black cumin seed oil, which is renowned for its numerous health benefits. In Hindi, cumin is known as "jeera", while in German, it's referred to as "Cumin auf Deutsch".

The Fate of Ras al-Ain's Cumin Crop

The recent destruction of the cumin crop in Ras al-Ain is a dire consequence of the region's unpredictable climate. The damage caused by diseases and late rains has resulted in a significant loss for local farmers, who rely on the cumin harvest for their livelihood.

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