Published on: Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kensington Metropark on High Alert: Alligator Sighting Sparks Concern

Authorities Investigate Possible Alligator Presence in Kent Lake

Visitors to the picturesque Kensington Metropark in Milford Township, Oakland County, are being urged to exercise caution following reports of a possible alligator sighting in Kent Lake. The Huron-Clinton Metroparks organization has issued warnings and launched an investigation into the alleged presence of the reptile, which is not native to Michigan.

Sighting Sparks Immediate Action

The alarm was first raised on May 15th when a visitor reported spotting what appeared to be an alligator in the waters of Kent Lake. Metroparks officials swiftly responded to the sighting, posting signs throughout the park to alert visitors and urging them to report any further sightings to the Metroparks Police.

"Be Aware. Possible alligator sighting in Kent Lake," the signs caution, providing the police hotline number for reporting any potential encounters with the reptile.

Investigating the Unlikely Visitor

While alligators are not native to Michigan, authorities suspect the sighting may involve a pet alligator that was illegally released into the lake. Park officials are actively searching the area and investigating the credibility of the initial report.

"We take these reports seriously and are working diligently to determine the validity of the alligator sighting," said a Metroparks spokesperson. "Public safety is our top priority, and we urge visitors to remain vigilant and report any unusual sightings immediately."

Precautions and Safety Measures

Until the situation is resolved, visitors to Kensington Metropark are advised to avoid approaching or entering Kent Lake. Park rangers and law enforcement officers are patrolling the area, and authorities have implemented additional safety protocols to ensure the well-being of park-goers.

As the investigation continues, the Huron-Clinton Metroparks organization encourages the public to follow official updates and heed all warnings and advisories regarding the potential alligator presence in the Kensington area.