Published on: Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Chilling Story of Marius Gustavson, the 'Eunuch Maker'

Marius Gustavson, a 46-year-old Norwegian national, has been jailed for life for running a lucrative extreme body modification enterprise that involved performing dangerous and unnecessary surgeries without medical training.

A Lucrative Business Built on Mutilation

Gustavson's website, which amassed over 22,000 users, allowed paying customers to watch videos of gruesome surgeries, including genital removal and amputations. The website generated over £300,000 between 2017 and 2021.

A Life of Fraud and Manipulation

Before his descent into the world of extreme body modifications, Gustavson had a history of fraud, including two previous convictions in Norway. He later claimed £18,500 in disability benefits after willingly having his leg amputated.

Gustavson's enterprise involved recruiting others to perform surgeries, including a London nurse who was struck off for removing a man's nipple as part of the "Eunuch Maker" plot.

A Culture of Mutilation

The "Eunuch Maker" website created a space for like-minded individuals to connect and engage in dangerous and illegal activities. Gustavson's co-defendants were also jailed for their roles in the enterprise.

Gustavson's case has brought attention to the darker corners of the internet, where individuals are willing to engage in harmful and dangerous activities for entertainment and financial gain.
