Published on: Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Piers Morgan and Jeremy Corbyn Feud: What Happened?

For those who have been following British politics and media, the names Piers Morgan and Jeremy Corbyn are likely to evoke strong emotions. The outspoken journalist and the former Labour leader have a long and tumultuous history, with their disagreements often making headlines. But what exactly happened between them?

A Brief Background

Piers Morgan, a former newspaper editor and TV personality, is known for his sharp tongue and unapologetic opinions. Jeremy Corbyn, on the other hand, is the former leader of the Labour Party, known for his left-wing politics and anti-establishment views. Their paths first crossed in the early 2010s, when Morgan was still a prominent figure in British journalism.

The Fallout with the BBC

In 2012, Morgan, then a CNN host, was involved in a controversy surrounding phone hacking allegations. Corbyn, who was then a backbench MP, spoke out against Morgan's involvement, which led to a very public spat between the two. The feud only intensified when Morgan joined the BBC as a presenter, with Corbyn accusing him of being a "traitor" to the Labour Party.

Despite their differences, both Morgan and Corbyn are unafraid to speak their minds, which has led to numerous heated exchanges on social media and in the press. While their feud has often been seen as petty and personal, it also highlights the deep divisions within British politics and the media.

Category: #Politics